Seriously, I've figured out why I now need to increase my water intake to that of a fish - I need to supplement for all the tears I seem to shed. I know this must be incredibly frustrating for those around me. Case in point, a day in my boyfriend's store:
Me: They didn't slice brownies last night
Ty: Oh well, guess they were just lazy.
Me: Well, there's lots of people who really like them and now they're not gonna get any today (tears begin)
Ty: Are you starting to cry?
Me: Yes - I just think it's really important that things get done when they're supposed to.
Ty: Uh, this really isn't worth crying over.
Me: You think I don't know that?!? Just... leave me alone (and then I proceed to go hide beside the slushie machine and sob for a moment and then back to normal)
Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. It started out just heightened emotions - you know, tearing up / crying during the last of the Oprah shows, Extreme Home Makeover, and other common tear jerkers. Sure, my crying was a little more intense than usual, lasted a little longer, but still, thankfully, justified.
However, in this second trimester, where the 24/7 nausea has mercifully left the compound (except for the occasional and unwelcome flashback), I am now forced to endure a minimum of twice daily crying bouts. I think the nausea used to act like a distraction, with my body and mind so focused on not puking, there was no time for superfluous waterworks. Now though...
- watching the Food Network (yes, seriously)... Chef at Home made such a nice dinner for his wife and look at how good his little boy is about trying at least a bit of everything. It's so beautiful... WAAAAAAAAAAH
- Putting on my makeup... my eyeliner tip just broke and I can't find the sharpener, and I'm almost out of my favourite eyeshadow... WAAAAAAAAAAAH
- Listening to my iPod (you'd think it'd be justified but wait)... Oh the Counting Crows Mr Jones... I loved this song and it was the my favourite the summer I moved to Calgary... WAAAAAAAAAAH
- Shopping for maternity clothes... I really liked these pregnancy jeans, but they're the only ones not on sale and the other pair makes my butt look fat... WAAAAAAAAAH
- In the food court... I want sushi but I can't have it - don't Japanese women get pregnant?!? Why can they have sushi and I can't?! WAAAAAAAAAAH
- Reading a book (again, not as justified as you would think)... The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo had such a bad mommy and she's gotten so screwed... poor dragon tattoo girl... WAAAAAAAAAH
- Driving around town... I just let that guy in and it's super busy traffic and I didn't even get a thank you wave from that asshole... WAAAAAAAAAAH
Of course, this last week, I'm in the process of getting ready to move to Regina for work and leave my baby daddy in Calgary, who by the way, gives Tilly kissies and talks to her every day, so I've learned to set my alarm a half an hour early just to give myself enough time for the inevitable blubbering to subside.
Yes, I used to have my extra sensitive moments, usually around my time of the month, but my favourite coping mechanism (vodka / margaritas / sangria / bailey's) has been ripped from my grasp. My second favourite was ice cream, chocolate, etc, but it seems as though Tilly's not a big fan of these - one spoonful / square and that's that... What am I gonna do with this child?!
I figure in the meantime, I need to team up with a scientist that can help me develop a few things, like kleenex that doubles as blotting papers, a mascara that will withstand the constant tears, because quite frankly, conventional waterproof is really letting me down, and some sort of candy like those nausea Preggie Pops that when unwarranted and ridiculous tears start to come on, I can just pop in my mouth and it will all subside.
On the upside, at least my tear ducts are being cleansed regularly.
Please God, make this kid start to love Kit Kats or I'm screwed.
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