Off to the ultrasound I go, Tyler in tow... Drink a gallon or 12 of water to make sure the baby has nowhere to hide... We're both vibrating with excitement and anticipation - with a little bit of having to pee thrown in.
Get to the clinic and get shown to my special waiting area. We sit and wait. And wait. And wait. Bladder is getting very full. Wow, this chair must be made for someone at least 5 inches taller than me because I just can't get comfortable. Look over at boyfriend - he is texting people about the NHL draft. Seriously buddy?! We're waiting to see the friggin' miracle of life and you're more concerned about a possible Regehr trade and some other blah-dy blah blah hockey stuff?! Give him a glare and demand the phone gets turned off. Start to get an objection but throw a look of death and dismemberment and iPhone is turned off. Smart boy.
Finally, the tech comes out and shows us into the room - lay down on the table, gel gets squirted all over, and she starts looking... Right off the bat, we tell her we're here to find out the sex - no ifs, ands, or buts. She smiles sweetly and says no problem, just a couple things that we need to check first...
Head measurements, hands, feet, heart, spine... It's been a half an hour and we just wanna see the bits and pieces already!! Tech says the babies being very cooperative - I say it must be a girl. Then she shows us the hand and it looks like the baby's giving us the finger - Ty thinks that's the sign of a boy...
Finally, she types GENDER on the top of the screen, shows us the baby's legs and makes a little tap with the paddle... the baby turns and she points to the screen... says, see those 3 little lines right there? We nod. That's as clear as it can get - congratulations, it's a GIRL.
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!! A baby girl! Baby Ottilia (aka Tilly)!
The tech walks out of the room and we're breaking out the texts like it's going out of style. Big dumb smiles on our faces - gonna have a beautiful baby daughter... Now to somehow keep her room and wardrobe from looking like a pink flamingo threw up all over it.
congratulations! I love the name!!!!!!