Friday, 27 May 2011

I Miss Cow

Oh baby... why oh why do you like to make mommy sick?!  You see, that's how come I took a pregnancy test in the first place - I was feeling nauseous and tired and BLAM - baby.
I've been a (mostly) good little pregnant lady and I've been diligently (sort of) reading pregnancy books. They tell me foods I should be eating which in turn makes me REALLY want to eat most of them, except for one little tidbit of information - baby doesn't want to.  And you know, if baby doesn't want it, she/he sure as hell is making sure that Momma will no longer want to eat it.
Take delicious cheeseburgers - I quite enjoy a juicy, run down my chin, completely loaded to the tits cheeseburger.  As a matter of fact, every Thursday, my boyfriend makes big, juicy cheeseburgers as the lunch special in his corner store.  I have begun to loathe Thursdays. 
I see those burgers and I used to think, hey maybe me and Ty will share one and I can put extra tomato and it will be so good and my tummy will be oh so happy.  Nowadays, I just think don't breathe through your nose or the kashi cereal you had for breakfast is gonna make a reappearance.  It is literally like torture.  I think the stock I originally had in my beloved kit kat bars needs to go to my new savior in life - Premium Plus saltines.  Actually, I bet that if there was a consumer survey done, 80% of the Premium Plus' sales come from pregnant women and/or their significant others trying to keep them from puking.
OH!  I just developed a new sneaky suspicion...  You know how people say that there could've been an electric car years, if not decades ago, except big oil has kept it pushed down and killed the projects?!
Well, I think that morning sickness (if only it was contained to the morning) could've been cured years ago but that there's a secret nausea coalition consisting of saltines makers, ginger products, those preggie pops, and anything else recommended to women for nausea and they've paid big bucks to make sure that the cure disappears!!!!!
Okay, maybe I sound a little crazy, but I really miss taking a nice big slab of cow and throwin' it on the BBQ to a nice medium rare, with a little mushrooms and some veggies and digging in without the overwhelming feeling of complete revulsion.
What's a pre-pregnancy meat-itarian to do?!

1 comment:

  1. You are so cute:-) yah whoever named that sickness morning was an idiot. 24/7 sickness is more like it. You are going to be an amazing mom Shann. And Tyler is going to be such a fun dad!! I am exstatic for both of you. Can't wait to see you all woddling and all:-)

